The rare 1804 Silver Dollar, known as the “King of American Coins,” has a long history. With just 15 known copies, this numismatic masterpiece is a collector's jewel worth over a million dollars.
A rare American coin, the 1913 Liberty Head Nickel has an unearthly appeal. This rare coin is worth about $999,999 with just five known examples.
The 1794 Flowing Hair Dollar, the first US silver dollar, is significant. Its elaborate design and restricted manufacture make it a numismatic jewel worth about $999,999.
The 1933 Double Eagle represents numismatic beauty with its unmatched craftsmanship. This coin is a collectors' favorite due to its exquisite design and restricted distribution.
The 1796 Draped Bust Quarter is one of the rarest early US Mint coins. Limited mintage and historical importance make it worth over $999,999.
A numismatic masterpiece, the 1907 Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle is exquisitely designed. This coin embodies creative expression with its high-relief sculptural beauty.
Due to wartime shortages, most 1943 pennies were steel, but a few were accidentally copper. The 1943 Copper Penny, valued at almost $999,999, is a fascinating discovery for numismatics enthusiasts.
The golden 1822 Half Eagle has a distinct position in numismatic history. Limited mintage and few surviving copies make this coin desirable to collectors.
The 1885 Trade Dollar is a magnificent numismatic treasure with unique charm. Collectors prize this coin for its unique design and restricted manufacturing.